The aircraft, reportedly owned by Athletic Group LLC. and a private individual, is a Falcon 10 built in 1978.
There are all sorts of things ranging from an innocuous greeting to explaining how to use the emergency exits that Cabin Crew are involved in.
Much like an artist seals the ending of his masterpiece with a final brushstroke, an aircraft, after its fantastic painting techniques and specialized coatings, also needs its...
The helicopter has been purchased straight from the Airbus factory in France by Manang Air.
Even though the helicopter couldn't fly at the moment because it needed repairs, it caught the eye of many residents as it traveled.
Here are ten things you need to know about the pilot study from Nepal if you want to become a pilot in Nepal.
The company has been distributing annual dividends to its investors, including a 5% bonus share and a 10% cash dividend from the profits.
The aircraft registered as 'ET-AVS' was first flown in 2018 and has a Manufacturer Serial Number MSN. 4590.
The two new ATR 72-500 series aircraft have obtained registration of '9N-AOF' and '9N-AOH' from Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN).
NovoAir had previously announced the sale of three ATR planes, and later, two more were added, making a total of five ATR planes in the sales...